Other Business Services


Select cost effective business supplier to meet your requirements on Live Chat Support.

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Grow your business internationally by hiring experienced Market Survey agency.

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Increase your business worldwide by hiring cost effective Internet marketing Agency.

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Work with Video Editing Specialist to bring attention of prospective customers.

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Hire Adobe Photoshop Expert to deliver edited photo quickly and cost-effectively.

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Get Unique content for your business to get it visible at Google search engines.

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Outsource transcription services for effective documentation of your audio and video files and reduce overall expenditure on hiring without any compromise on the documentation quality.

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Business research involves acquiring information and knowledge for professional or commercial purposes such as determining opportunities and goals for a business. Outsource for better experience.

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Outsource insuarce claiming process. We provide fulfilmentof an insurer of its obligation to receive, investigate and act on a claim filed by an insured without any hassle.

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With our digital outsourcing services you can outsource marketing service as well. Outsource marketing services to reach an wide range of audience with proper planning and procedure.

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Dealing with number can be a long and boring process. Outsource finance and accounting services to get efficient processing of your accounts with any compromise on the work done.

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Looking for a software developer who fulfils every online condition of the client. Outsource your development requirements to get effective cost reduction and help you save on overall expenditure.

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Connect B2B and B2C effectively by outsourcing telemarketing services. Promote your product , mails, and much more by outsourcing your requiremnets for cost effective solutions.

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Outspurcethe process of attracting and converting strangers and prospects into someone who has indicated interest in your company's product or service.

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How it works...

Project Upload


Upload your requirement on our website and get access to thousands of verified suppliers and buyers.


Select Service provider


Select the most suitable from the shortlisted suppliers and buyers to kick start your project.


Project Execution


Our state-of-the-art software will keep track of your project at every step.


Project Delivery

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Successful and timely delivery of your project.


Latest Blog

virtual assistant- outsourcing-low-cost-country

Der Übergang von einem kleinen zu einem mittleren Unternehmen Besonders Handwerker starten oft als Ein-Mann-Betrieb oder nur wenigen Angestellten. Die finanziellen Ressourcen sind oft gering und der Kundenstamm noch nicht existent. Nach der eigentlichen Arbeit setzt sich der Unternehmer dann an den Computer: Er macht Angebote, bezahlt Rechnungen, bestellt Ware und erledigt alle administrativen Arbeiten. […]

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17 Mar 0
Virtual Assistant Services

OUTSOURCE VIRTUAL ASSISTANT SERVICES Now a day way to do a business has been changed. By keeping cost under controlled entrepreneur want to stay updated with their core business. Hiring a full time employee for some business assistance has direct impact on revenue hence it’s better to have Virtual assistant to get help on such […]

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21 Feb 0
Business transcription service

Outsourcen Sie nach Indien Besonders Handwerker starten oft als Ein-Mann-Betrieb oder nur wenigen Angestellten. Die finanziellen Ressourcen sind oft gering und der Kundenstamm noch nicht existent. Nach der eigentlichen Arbeit setzt sich der Unternehmer dann an den Computer: Er macht Angebote, bezahlt Rechnungen, bestellt Ware und erledigt alle administrativen Arbeiten. Gern nicht nur am Abend, […]

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10 Feb 0
Transcription Service expert

Transcription Service Outsourcing to India In current era a way to preserve current business meeting, lecture and audio songs has been changed and now everybody want to save in either Mobile or in Audio recording device. Further it gets transcribed for future records and to save time. With this trend, need to transcribe those recorded […]

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03 Feb 0
Outsourcing 2 India and save your cost

Geschäftsprozesse nach Indien auslagern Die Größe des Unternehmens ist nicht ausschlaggebend für das Outsourcen von Geschäftsprozessen. Gerade kleinere oder sogenannte Ein-Mann-Unternehmen stoßen zeitlich schnell an ihre Grenzen. Gerade in Deutschland wird den Start-Ups bereits zu Beginn tief in die Tasche gegriffen und die Beschaffung von ausreichenden finanziellen Mitteln ist eher schwierig.  Doch schnell entwickeln sich […]

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27 Jan 0
Strategic sourcing expert consultant

Statistical studies have revealed the increasing role played by strategic sourcing in every organization what with high pressures on Procurement to achieve maximum cost savings in resources. Almost all organizations resort to the latest technology to obtain great efficiencies in their sourcing process. An organization can follow a seven step procedure to obtain efficiency in […]

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05 Oct 0

Customers Success Story

This service platform met my expectation. In just 4 days was able to get good service provider for my call center requirements. Thanks for your help.

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Why we couldn’t contacted you before? Perhaps have saved good money on our business requirements. We may come back to you for other business requirement in future.

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I appreciate your quick response and your strong service provider base. Got good offer within our budget. Thank you for connecting with reliable service provider.

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A heartily congratulation to the team of Outsource Services 2 India for helping in business requirements. We were struggling hard to get reliable, trustworthy supplier for Offshore Software Development. On recommendation just posted my requirement to OS2I & after short listing and evaluation I got 6 provider to work within specified budget. Awesome experience. Never […]

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We have experienced exponential growth over the past few years with OS2I. They helped us to the next level. From start to delivery they took care of project progress or concerns very quickly. We are pleased to meet with OS2I.

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Excellent work. I found Marketing Assistant to work on Overseas Business development. In simple word- You guys are doing great work to help small businesses.

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Thanks to OS2I for making our procurement expense under control. We are really impressed by your modus operandi to connect with suitable partner. We appreciate your service & would use again in next requirements.

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Outsource Services 2 India- In a nutshell

40 +
Countries covered
600 +
Companies served
12 +
Service categories
$ 100 K+
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